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There are 974 total results for your Warrior Essence - Warrior Spirit - Martial search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
object representative of a divine spirit; object to which a spirit is drawn or summoned; object or animal occupied by a kami; (female given name) Iyo


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 kyoushin / kyoshin
(obsolete) (See 義侠心) chivalrous spirit; chivalry


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 kyouki / kyoki
chivalrous spirit; chivalry


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 kyoukotsu / kyokotsu
chivalrous spirit



see styles
xiū jiān
    xiu1 jian1
hsiu chien
Firmness in observing or maintaining; established conviction, e.g. of the 別教 bodhisattva that all phenomena in essence are identical.


see styles
 kenshou / kensho
spirit; pep; energy; (personal name) Kenshou


see styles
yuán shén
    yuan2 shen2
yüan shen
primordial spirit; fundamental essence of life
(surname) Motogami



see styles
nèi hé
    nei4 he2
nei ho
core (of a fruit); (fig.) the essence (of a concept or doctrine etc); (geology) inner core; (computing) kernel


see styles
gōng xīn
    gong1 xin1
kung hsin
fair-mindedness; public spirit



see styles
gòng tǐ
    gong4 ti3
kung t`i
    kung ti
shares the same essence


see styles
yuān hún
    yuan1 hun2
yüan hun
ghost of one who died unjustly; departed spirit demanding vengeance for grievances


see styles
 bunrei / bunre
division of a shrine's tutelary deity, in order to share it with another shrine; spirit divided in such a manner


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 gouki / goki
(noun or adjectival noun) sturdy spirit; bold; daring; brave; valiant; undaunted; stouthearted


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(noun or adjectival noun) determined spirit; unyielding spirit; will


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(adv,n) (1) force; vigor; vigour; energy; spirit; life; (2) influence; authority; power; might; (3) impetus; momentum; course (of events); (adverbial noun) (4) naturally; necessarily; (surname) Ikioi


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huà shū
    hua4 shu1
hua shu
A subscription list, or book; an offering burnt for ease of transmission to the spirit-realm.


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yuán rén
    yuan2 ren2
yüan jen
prehistoric man; primitive man
primitive man
the primal man or spirit



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lì guǐ
    li4 gui3
li kuei
malicious spirit; devil
vengeful ghosts


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rebellious spirit


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fǎn gǔ
    fan3 gu3
fan ku
(physiognomy) protruding bone at the back of the head, regarded as a sign of a renegade nature
(abbreviation) rebellious spirit


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rebellious spirit


see styles
spirit of rebellion


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(abbreviation) rebellious spirit


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(irregular okurigana usage) (noun/participle) (1) spiritualism; spiritism; channeling; summoning a spirit and giving him voice (esp. when done by a female shaman); (2) medium; channeler


see styles
kǒu mì
    kou3 mi4
k`ou mi
    kou mi
語密 One of the 三密. Secret or magical words, either definite formulas of the Buddha or secret words from his dharma, kaya, or spirit.


see styles
míng sè
    ming2 se4
ming se
 myoushiki / myoshiki
{Buddh} (See 十二因縁) namarupa; name and form; (place-name) Nashiki
nāmarūpa, name-form, or name and form, one of the twelve nidānas. In Brahminical tradition it served 'to denote spirit and matter', 'the concrete individual', Keith; in Buddhism it is intp. as the 五蘊 five skandhas or aggregates, i, e. a 'body', 受, 想, 行, and 識 vedana, saṃjñā, karman, and vijñāna being the 'name' and 色 rupa the 'form'; the first-named four are mental and the last material. 色 Rupa is described as the minutest particle of matter, that which has resistance; the embryonic body or foetus is a nāmarūpa, something that can be named.


see styles
Japanese spirit


see styles
 shoukon / shokon
commercial spirit


see styles
shàn yuè
    shan4 yue4
shan yüeh
Good month, i.e. the first, fifth, and ninth; because they are the most important in which to do good works and thus obtain a good report in the spirit realm.


see styles
 zenrei / zenre
spirit of goodness



see styles
tàn líng
    tan4 ling2
t`an ling
    tan ling
To praise the spirit of the departed.


see styles
sì yī
    si4 yi1
ssu i
 shi e
The four necessaries, or things on which the religious rely. (1) 行四依 The four of ascetic practitioners— rag clothing; begging for food; sitting under trees; purgatives and diuretics as moral and spiritual means; these are also termed 四聖種. (2) 法四依 The four of the dharma: i. e. the truth, which is eternal, rather than man, even its propagator; the sutras of perfect meaning i. e. of the 道實相 the truth of the 'middle' way; the meaning, or spirit, not the letter; wisdom 智, i.e. Buddha-wisdom rather than mere knowledge 識. There are other groups. Cf. 四事.


see styles
sì tǔ
    si4 tu3
ssu t`u
    ssu tu
{Buddh} four realms (in Tendai Buddhism or Yogacara)
The four Buddha-kṣetra, or realms, of Tiantai: (1) 凡聖居同土 Realms where all classes dwell— men, devas, Buddhas, disciples, non-disciples; it has two divisions, the impure, e. g. this world, and the pure, e. g. the 'Western' pure-land. (2) 方便有餘土 Temporary realms, where the occupants have got rid of the evils of 見思 unenlightened views and thoughts, but still have to be reborn. (3) 實報無障礙土 Realms of permanent reward and freedom, for those who have attained bodhisattva rank. (4) 常寂光土 Realm of eternal rest and light (i. e. wisdom) and of eternal spirit (dharmakāya), the abode of Buddhas; but in reality all the others are included in this, and are only separated for convenience, sake.



see styles
guó cuì
    guo2 cui4
kuo ts`ui
    kuo tsui
national essence; quintessence of national culture



see styles
yuán jué
    yuan2 jue2
yüan chüeh
Complete enlightenment potentially present in each being, for all have 本覺 primal awareness, or 眞心 the true heart (e. g. conscience), which has always remained pure and shining; considered as essence it is the 一心 one mind, considered causally it is the Tathāgata-garbha, considered it is|| perfect enlightenment, cf. 圓覺經.


see styles
(1) (archaism) essence; true nature; substance; reality; (adverb) (2) (archaism) originally; naturally; by nature; from the start


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dì qí
    di4 qi2
ti ch`i
    ti chi
earth spirit
gods of the land; earthly deities
earth deity


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 chirei / chire
spirit residing in the ground


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(v2t-k,vi) (1) (archaism) to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); (2) (archaism) to be omitted; to be missing; (3) (archaism) to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind; (4) (archaism) to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list); (5) (archaism) to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession; (6) (archaism) to fall; to be defeated; to surrender


see styles
(v2t-k,vi) (1) (archaism) to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); (2) (archaism) to be omitted; to be missing; (3) (archaism) to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind; (4) (archaism) to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list); (5) (archaism) to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession; (6) (archaism) to fall; to be defeated; to surrender


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manly spirit; soul of a samurai


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(n,vs,vi) (1) shapeshifting (of an animal or spirit); goblin; ghost; apparition; bugbear; (n,vs,vi) (2) (See 権化・1) incarnation; (n,vs,vi) (3) transformation


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(n,vs,vi) (1) alteration (of character or essence); change in quality; transformation; deterioration; degeneration; transmutation; (2) perversion (esp. sexual)


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yè chā
    ye4 cha1
yeh ch`a
    yeh cha
yaksha (malevolent spirit) (loanword); (fig.) ferocious-looking person
yaksha (Buddhist guardian deities sometimes depicted as demonic warriors) (san: yaksa); (given name) Yasha
乞叉; 藥叉; 閱叉 yakṣa, (1) demons in the earth, or in the air, or in the lower heavens; they are malignant, and violent, and devourers (of human flesh). (2) The 八大將, the eight attendants of Kuvera, or Vaiśravaṇa, the god of wealth; those on earth bestow wealth, those in the empyrean houses and carriages, those in the lower heavens guard the moat and gates of the heavenly city. There is another set of sixteen. The names of all are given in 陀羅尼集經 3. See also 羅 for rakṣa and 吉 for kṛtya. yakṣa-kṛtya are credited with the powers of both yakṣa and kṛtya.



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mèng mó
    meng4 mo2
meng mo
night demon (malign spirit believed to plague people during sleep)
(1) nightmare; (2) incubus; succubus; demon appearing in a dream


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(adverb) (1) (kana only) generally; on the whole; mostly; almost; nearly; approximately; roughly; about; (can be adjective with の) (2) (kana only) general; rough; (3) (kana only) outline; main points; gist; substance; essence; (adverb) (4) (kana only) in the first place; first and foremost; from the start; to begin with


see styles
dà dù
    da4 du4
ta tu
magnanimous; generous (in spirit)
magnanimity; (place-name) Oodo
great salvation


see styles
dà rì
    da4 ri4
ta jih
Mahavairocana (Tathagata); Great Sun; Supreme Buddha of Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism; (place-name, surname) Dainichi
Vairocana, or Mahāvairocana 大日如來; 遍照如來; 摩訶毘盧遮那; 毘盧遮那; 大日覺王 The sun, "shining everywhere" The chief object of worship of the Shingon sect in Japan, "represented by the gigantic image in the temple at Nara." (Eliot.) There he is known as Dai-nichi-nyorai. He is counted as the first, and according to some, the origin of the five celestial Buddhas (dhyāni-buddhas, or jinas). He dwells quiescent in Arūpa-dhātu, the Heaven beyond form, and is the essence of wisdom (bodhi) and of absolute purity. Samantabhadra 普賢 is his dhyāni-bodhisattva. The 大日經 "teaches that Vairocana is the whole world, which is divided into Garbhadhātu (material) and Vajradhātu (indestructible), the two together forming Dharmadhātu. The manifestations of Vairocana's body to himself―that is, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas ―are represented symbolically by diagrams of several circles ". Eliot. In the 金剛界 or vajradhātu maṇḍala he is the center of the five groups. In the 胎藏界 or Garbhadhātu he is the center of the eight-leaf (lotus) court. His appearance, symbols, esoteric word, differ according to the two above distinctions. Generally he is considered as an embodiment of the Truth 法, both in the sense of dharmakāya 法身 and dharmaratna 法寳. Some hold Vairocana to be the dharmakāya of Śākyamuni 大日與釋迦同一佛 but the esoteric school denies this identity. Also known as 最高顯廣眼藏如來, the Tathagata who, in the highest, reveals the far-reaching treasure of his eye, i.e. the sun. 大日大聖不動明王 is described as one of his transformations. Also, a śramaņa of Kashmir (contemporary of Padma-saṃbhava); he is credited with introducing Buddhism into Khotan and being an incarnation of Mañjuśrī; the king Vijaya Saṃbhava built a monastery for him.



see styles
dà tǐ
    da4 ti3
ta t`i
    ta ti
in general; more or less; in rough terms; basically; on the whole; overall situation; the big picture; cadaver for dissection in training medical students
great essence


see styles
tiān xiān
    tian1 xian1
t`ien hsien
    tien hsien
immortal (esp. female); deity; fairy; Goddess; fig. beautiful woman
(See 仙人・せんにん・1) heavenly immortal (in Taoism); (given name) Tensen
deva-ṛṣi, or devas and rsis, or immortals. Nāgārjuna gives ten classes of ṛṣis whose lifetime is 100, 000 years, then they are reincarnated. Another category is fivefold: 天仙 deva-ṛṣis in the mountains round Sumeru: 神仙 spirit-ṛṣis who roam the air: 人仙 humans who have attained the powers of immortals; 地仙 earth ṛṣis, subterranean; 鬼仙 pretas, or malevolent ṛṣis.


see styles
tiān shén
    tian1 shen2
t`ien shen
    tien shen
god; deity
(1) (also pronounced てんしん) heavenly god; heavenly gods; (2) spirit of Sugawara no Michizane; (3) (See 天満宮) Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit); (4) (colloquialism) (See 梅干し) pit of a dried plum; dried plum; (5) (abbreviation) (See 天神髷) tenjin hairstyle; (6) prostitute of the second-highest class (Edo period); (7) (See 転軫) tuning peg (on a biwa or shamisen); (place-name, surname) Tenjin
deva 提婆 or devatā 泥縛多. (1) Brahma and the gods in general, including the inhabitants of the devalokas, all subject to metem-psychosis. (2) The fifteenth patriarch, a native of South India, or Ceylon and disciple of Nāgārjuna; he is also styled Devabodhisattva 提婆菩薩, Āryadeva 聖天, and Nilanetra 靑目 blue-eyed, or 分別明 clear discriminator. He was the author of nine works and a famous antagonist of Brahmanism.



see styles
tài xū
    tai4 xu1
t`ai hsü
    tai hsü
great emptiness; the void; heaven; the skies; universe; cosmos; original essence of the cosmos
great voidness


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shī shén
    shi1 shen2
shih shen
absent-minded; to lose spirit; despondent
(n,vs,adj-no) faint; trance; swoon; stupefaction


see styles
diàn chá
    dian4 cha2
tien ch`a
    tien cha
 ten cha
To make an offering of tea to a Buddha, a spirit, etc.


see styles
(adv-to,adj-t) with spirit; courageously; resolutely



see styles
rú shí
    ru2 shi2
ju shih
 nyo jitsu
as things really are; realistic
Real, reality, according to reality ( yathābhūtam); true; the 眞如 zhenru, or bhūtatathatā, for which it is also used; the universal undifferentiated, i. e. 平等不二, or the primary essence out of which the phenomenal arises; 如實空 is this essence in its purity; 如實不空 is this essence in its differentiation.


see styles
wàng xīn
    wang4 xin1
wang hsin
 moushin; moujin / moshin; mojin
    もうしん; もうじん
{Buddh} (See 煩悩・2) deluded mind (a mind polluted with klesha, incapable of understanding the original essence of things)
A wrong, false, or misleading mind.


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 youryoku / yoryoku
spirit power; magical power


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 youko / yoko
fox with supernatural powers; fox spirit; (female given name) Yōko


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yāo jing
    yao1 jing5
yao ching
 yousei / yose
evil spirit; alluring woman
(noun - becomes adjective with の) fairy; sprite; elf


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miào zhōng
    miao4 zhong1
miao chung
(surname) Taenaka
The profound medium (madhya); the universal life essence, the absolute, the bhūtatathatā which expresses the unity of all things, i.e. the doctrine held by Tiantai as distinguished from the 別教 which holds the madhya doctrine but emphasizes the dichotomy of the 空 transcendental and 假 phenomenal.


see styles
 irei / ire
(1) powerful spirit; (2) power of the emperor



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wēi líng
    wei1 ling2
wei ling
authority; prestige; supernatural spirit



see styles
zōng tǐ
    zong1 ti3
tsung t`i
    tsung ti
 shū tei
The body of doctrine of a sect. The thesis of a syllogism, v. 宗法.


see styles
(1) substance; essence; (can be adjective with の) (2) substantive; substantial; essential; real (e.g. interest rate); (adverb) (3) in essence; in effect; essentially; effectively; practically; (4) {anat} parenchyma


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(n,n-suf) spirit; character; trait; temperament; turn of mind; disposition


see styles
child or doll used as a vessel for a spirit invoked by a shaman or miko



see styles
shí xìng
    shi2 xing4
shih hsing
Real nature, or essence, i.e. the 眞如 bhūtatathatā.



see styles
shí xiàng
    shi2 xiang4
shih hsiang
actual situation; the ultimate essence of things (Buddhism)
Reality, in contrast with 虛妄; absolute fundamental reality, the ultimate, the absolute; the 法身, i.e. dharmakāya, or 眞如 bhūtatathatā. Other terms are 一實; 一如; 一相; 無相; 法證; 法位; 涅槃; 無爲; 眞諦; 眞性; 眞空; 實性; 實諦; 實際, q.v.



see styles
shí zhì
    shi2 zhi4
shih chih
substance; essence


see styles
child or doll used as a vessel for a spirit invoked by a shaman or miko


see styles
 yamaki; yamagi; yamake
    やまき; やまぎ; やまけ
speculative spirit


see styles
shān shén
    shan1 shen2
shan shen
mountain god
(place-name, surname) Yamagami
mountain spirit


see styles
one-eyed mountain spirit; (given name) Sandou


see styles
shān xiāo
    shan1 xiao1
shan hsiao
mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx); legendary mountain spirit


see styles
 yuukai / yukai
(archaism) ghost; apparition; spirit


see styles
 yuuki / yuki
ghost; revenant; spirit (of the dead); departed soul


see styles
yōu hún
    you1 hun2
yu hun
 yuukon / yukon
ghost; spirit (of the dead)
spirits of the dead


see styles
guts; pluck; nerve; spirit


see styles
guts; pluck; nerve; spirit


see styles
(n,n-suf) spirit; character; trait; temperament; turn of mind; disposition


see styles
xíng shén
    xing2 shen2
hsing shen
body and soul; physical and spiritual; material form and internal spirit
(surname) Katagami
body and spirit


see styles
yǐng bì
    ying3 bi4
ying pi
spirit wall (screen wall used to shield an entrance in traditional Chinese architecture)


see styles
dé suǐ
    de2 sui3
te sui
To obtain the marrow, the secret, the essence.


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) (polite language) errand; mission; going as envoy; (2) (polite language) messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl; (3) (polite language) (honorific or respectful language) familiar spirit


see styles
(1) (honorific or respectful language) (another's) spirit; (2) {Christn} God's heart or spirit; Lord's will


see styles
 goryou / goryo
(honorific or respectful language) spirit of a deceased person; (place-name) Goryō


see styles
(honorific or respectful language) spirit of a deceased person


see styles
spirit and technique


see styles
xīn gēn
    xin1 gen1
hsin ken
 kokorone; shinkon
    こころね; しんこん
the innermost depths of one's heart; (Buddhism) manas (the mind)
(1) innermost feelings; heart; motive; (2) (こころね only) nature; disposition; spirit
Manas, or the mind-organ, one of the twenty-five tattva 諦 or postulates of a universe.


see styles
xīn shén
    xin1 shen2
hsin shen
mind; state of mind; attention; (Chinese medicine) psychic constitution
The spirit of the mind, mental intelligence: mind.



see styles
xīn yào
    xin1 yao4
hsin yao
Medicine for the mind, or spirit.


see styles
xīn yào
    xin1 yao4
hsin yao
The very core, or essence.


see styles
 shinrei / shinre
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) spirit (e.g. human spirit); soul; (2) spirit; ghost; ethereal being; (female given name) Kokoa



see styles
xīn líng
    xin1 ling2
hsin ling
bright; smart; quick-witted; heart; thoughts; spirit
The mind spirit, or genius; intelligence; cf. 心燈.



see styles
xīn tǐ
    xin1 ti3
hsin t`i
    hsin ti
essence of mind



see styles
zhì qì
    zhi4 qi4
chih ch`i
    chih chi
ambition; resolve; backbone; drive; spirit
(surname) Shiki


see styles
 nensha; nenzu
    ねんしゃ; ねんず
spirit photography; psychic photography; thoughtography


see styles
xìng mìng
    xing4 ming4
hsing ming
The life of conscious beings; nature and life.



see styles
xìng zhǒng
    xing4 zhong3
hsing chung
original essence

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Warrior Essence - Warrior Spirit - Martial" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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Japanese Kanji Dictionary

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Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary