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There are 1408 total results for your Five Reflections - Gosei search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
dùn shǐ
    dun4 shi3
tun shih
The five envoys of stupidity, i.e. of the lower passions, in contrast with the higher 五利使; the 使 is intp. as 煩惱 kleśa, the afflicters, or passions; the five are 貪, 瞋, 痴, 慢, 疑 greed, hate, stupidity, arrogance, doubt.


see styles
 chouka; nagauta / choka; nagauta
    ちょうか; ながうた
(1) (See 短歌) traditional Japanese poem with verses of five and seven morae repeated at least three times, usu. ending with a verse of seven; (2) (ながうた only) (See 長唄) long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)


see styles
ā hán
    a1 han2
a han
āgama, 阿含暮; 阿鋡; 阿伽摩 (or 阿笈摩), the āgamas, a collection of doctrines, general name for the Hīnayāna scriptures: tr. 法歸 the home or collecting-place of the Law or Truth; 無比法 peerless Law; or 趣無 ne plus ultra, ultimate, absolute truth. The 四阿含經 or Four Āgamas are (1) 長阿含 Dīrghāgama, 'Long' treatises on cosmogony. (2) Madhyamāgama, 中阿含, 'middle' treatises on metaphysics. (3) Saṃyuktāgama, 雜阿含 'miscellaneous' treatises on abstract contemplation. (4) Ekottarāgama 增一阿含 'numerical' treatises, subjects treated numerically. There is also a division of five āgamas.


see styles
ā chù
    a1 chu4
a ch`u
    a chu
Akṣobhya, 阿閦鞞; 阿閦婆; 阿芻閦耶 unmoved, imperturbable; tr. 不動; 無動 also 無怒; 無瞋恚 free from anger, according to his Buddha-vow. One of the Five Buddhas, his realm Abhirata, Delightful, now being in the east, as Amitābha's is in the west. He is represented in the Lotus as the eldest son of Mahābhijñābhibhū 大通智勝, and was the Bodhisattva ? jñānākara 智積 before he became Buddha; he has other appearances. akṣobhya is also said to mean 100 vivara s, or 1 followed by 17 ciphers, and a 大通智勝 is ten times that figure.



see styles
yīn jìng
    yin1 jing4
yin ching
The present world as the state of the five skandhas.



see styles
yīn huàn
    yin1 huan4
yin huan
The five skandhas like a passing illusion.



see styles
yīn jiè
    yin1 jie4
yin chieh
 on gai
The five skandhas and the eighteen dhātu.



see styles
yīn shuāi
    yin1 shuai1
yin shuai
the (five) aggregates become feeble



see styles
yīn mó
    yin1 mo2
yin mo
{Buddh} (See 四魔) demon of aggregates (who causes many kinds of suffering)
The five skandhas considered as māras or demons fighting against the Buddha, nature of men.



see styles
lí gài
    li2 gai4
li kai
To abandon the 五蓋 q.v. five obscurers, or hindrances to truth.



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shùn rěn
    shun4 ren3
shun jen
(given name) Junnin
The third of the five bodhisattva stages of endurance, i.e. from the fourth to sixth stage.


see styles
è bǐ
    e4 bi3
o pi
Upasena, v. 阿濕 one of the first five converts, idem Aśvajit.



see styles
zhuān xū
    zhuan1 xu1
chuan hsü
Zhuanxu, one of the Five Legendary Emperors 五帝[wu3 di4], grandson of the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4], trad. reigned 2513-2435 BC


see styles
yǐn jiǔ
    yin3 jiu3
yin chiu
To drink wine, or alcoholic liquor, forbidden by the fifth of the five commandments; 10, 35, and 36 reasons for abstinence from it are given.


see styles
yǐn shí
    yin3 shi2
yin shih
Drink and food, two things on which sentient beings depend; desire for them is one of the three passions; offerings of them are one of the five forms of offerings.


see styles
xiāng yù
    xiang1 yu4
hsiang yü
The desire for fragrance, the lust of the nasal organ, one of the five desires.



see styles
mǎ shèng
    ma3 sheng4
ma sheng
 bashou / basho
(given name) Bashou
馬師 Aśvajit. Horse-breaker or Horse-master. The name of several persons, including one of the first five disciples.


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 駒・こま・1) koma shape; five-sided shape in the form of a koma (shogi game piece); (place-name, surname) Komagata



see styles
jīng fēng
    jing1 feng1
ching feng
infantile convulsion (illness affecting children esp. under the age of five, marked by muscular spasms)



see styles
xiān wèi
    xian1 wei4
hsien wei
umami, one of the five basic tastes (cookery)


see styles
lù yuàn
    lu4 yuan4
lu yüan
(surname) Shikazono
鹿野園 Mṛgadāva, known also as 仙人園, etc., the park, abode, or retreat of wise men, whose resort it formed; 'a famous park north-east of Vārāṇasī, a favourite resort of Śākyamuni. The modern Sārnāth (Śāraṅganātha) near Benares.' M. W. Here he is reputed to have preached his first sermon and converted his first five disciples. Tiantai also counts it as the scene of the second period of his teaching, when during twelve years he delivered the Āgama sūtras.


see styles
M-theory ("master theory" that unifies the five superstring theories)


see styles
 shichigochou / shichigocho
seven-and-five-syllable meter


see styles
qī shí wǔ
    qi1 shi2 wu3
ch`i shih wu
    chi shih wu
pañcasaptati; "75.


see styles
sān sān mèi
    san1 san1 mei4
san san mei
 san zanmai
(三三昧地) The three samādhis, or the samādhi on three subjects; 三三摩 (三三摩地); 三定, 三等持; 三空; 三治; 三解脫門; 三重三昧; 三重等持. There are two forms of such meditation, that of 有漏 reincarnational, or temporal, called 三三昧; and that of 無 漏 liberation, or nirvāṇa, called 三解脫. The three subjects and objects of the meditation are (1) 空 to empty the mind of the ideas of me and mine and suffering, which are unreal; (2) 無相to get rid of the idea of form, or externals, i.e. the 十相 which are the five senses, and male and female, and the three 有; (3) 無願 to get rid of all wish or desire, also termed無作 and 無起. A more advanced meditation is called the Double Three Samādhi 重三三昧 in which each term is doubled 空空, 無相無相, 無願無願. The esoteric sect has also a group of its own.


see styles
sān shì nà
    san1 shi4 na4
san shih na
(or 三事衣) A term for a monk's robe of five, seven, or nine patches.



see styles
sān mí chā
    san1 mi2 cha1
san mi ch`a
    san mi cha
Samīkṣā, 觀察 investigation, i.e. the Sāṃkhya, a system of philosophy, wrongly ascribed by Buddhists to 闍提首那 Jātisena, or 闍耶犀那 Jayasena, who debated the twenty-five Sāṃkhya principles (tattvas) with Śākyamuni but succumbed, shaved his head and became a disciple, according to the 涅槃經 39.



see styles
sān guī jiè
    san1 gui1 jie4
san kuei chieh
 sanki kai
ceremony for the acceptance of the five precepts



see styles
sān xiāng xù
    san1 xiang1 xu4
san hsiang hsü
 san sōzoku
The three links, or consequences: (a) the worlds with their kingdoms, which arise from the karma of existence; (b) all beings, who arise out of the five skandhas; (c) rewards and punishments, which arise out of moral karma causes.



see styles
xià bèi guān
    xia4 bei4 guan1
hsia pei kuan
 gehai kan
A meditation of the Amitābha sect on the 下品 q. v.; it is the last of sixteen contemplations, and deals with those who have committed the five rebellious acts 五逆 and the ten evils 十惡, but who still can obtain salvation; v. 無量壽經. 下輩下生觀 idem.



see styles
bù dòng fó
    bu4 dong4 fo2
pu tung fo
 Fudō Butsu
不動如來; 阿閦鞞 or 阿閦婆, Akṣobhya, one of the 五智如來 Five Wisdom, or Dhyāni-Buddhas, viz., Vairocana, Akṣobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitābha, and Amoghasiddhi. He is especially worshipped by the Shingon sect, as a disciple of Vairocana. As Amitābha is Buddha in the western heavens, so Akṣobhya is Buddha in the eastern heaven of Abhirati, the realm of joy, hence he is styled 善快 or 妙喜, also 無瞋恚 free from anger. His cult has existed since the Han dynasty, see the Akṣobhya-Tathāgatasya-vyūha. He is first mentioned in the prajnapāramitā sutra, then in the Lotus, where he is the first of the sixteen sons of Mahābhijñā-jñānabhibhu. His dhyāni-bodhisattva is Vajrapāṇi. His appearance is variously described, but he generally sits on a lotus, feet crossed, soles upward, left hand closed holding robe, right hand fingers extended touching ground calling it as color is pale gold, some say blue a vajra is before him. His esoteric word is Hum; his element the air, his human form Kanakamuni, v. 拘. Jap. Ashuku, Fudo, and Mudo; Tib. mi-bskyod-pa, mi-'khrugs-pa (mintug-pa); Mong. Ülü küdelükci. v. 不動明王.


see styles
bù dìng xìng
    bu4 ding4 xing4
pu ting hsing
 fujō shō
(不定種性) Of indeterminate nature. The 法相宗 Dharmalakṣana school divides all beings into five classes according to their potentialities. This is one of the divisions and contains four combinations: (1) Bodhisattva-cum-śrāvaka, with uncertain result depending on the more dominant of the two; (2) bodhisattva-cum-pratyekabuddha; (3) śrāvaka-cum-pratyekabuddha; (4) the characteristcs of all three vehicles intermingled with uncertain results; the third cannot attain Buddhahood, the rest may.


see styles
bù huó wèi
    bu4 huo2 wei4
pu huo wei
 fukatsu i
The fear of giving all and having nothing to keep one alive: one of the five fears.



see styles
bù huán guǒ
    bu4 huan2 guo3
pu huan kuo
 fugen ka
The fruits, fruition, or rewards of the last. Various stages in the final life of parinirvāṇa are named, i. e. five, six, seven, eight, nine, or eleven kinds.


see styles
zhōng sù yī
    zhong1 su4 yi1
chung su i
A monk's inner garment, i. e. the five-patch garment; also 中着依.


see styles
 chuukibou / chukibo
(abbreviation) (See 中期防衛力整備計画) (five-year) medium-term defense program (Japan)



see styles
jiǔ lèi shēng
    jiu3 lei4 sheng1
chiu lei sheng
 kurui shō
The nine kinds of birth; the four from the womb, egg, moisture, transformation are common to devas, earth, and the hells; the five others are birth into the heavens of form, of non-form, of thought, of non-thought, and of neither (i.e. beyond either).


see styles
èr wǔ shí
    er4 wu3 shi2
erh wu shih
 nigo shiki
The two groups of food, each of five kinds: bhojanīya, v. 蒲 cereals, fish, and flesh; and khādanīya, v. 佉fruits and sweetmeats.


see styles
èr shí wǔ
    er4 shi2 wu3
erh shih wu


see styles
èr shí zhì
    er4 shi2 zhi4
erh shih chih
 nijū chi
The twenty kinds of wisdom or knowledge as denied by Tiantai i.e. the Hīnayāna (or三藏) with seven kinds, 通教 five, 別教four, and 圓教 four; cf. 智.


see styles
èr fǎ shēn
    er4 fa3 shen1
erh fa shen
 ni hosshin
Contrasted types of the Dharmakāya; five pairs are given, 理法身 and 智法身; 果極 and 應化法身 ; 自性法身 and 應化法身 ; 法性法身 and 方便法身 ; 理法身 and 事法身 ; cf. 法身.


see styles
(can act as adjective) quinquennial; recurring every five years


see styles
(can act as adjective) quinquennial; recurring every five years


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five-seven-five syllable verse (haiku, senryu, etc.)


see styles
paulownia crest (three leaves with seven blossoms on the center lead and five blossoms on each side leaf)


see styles
 goshichichou / goshichicho
five and seven-syllable meter


see styles
wǔ bù nán
    wu3 bu4 nan2
wu pu nan
 go funan
five kinds of incomplete men


see styles
wǔ shèng xìng
    wu3 sheng4 xing4
wu sheng hsing
 gojō shō
natures of the five vehicles


see styles
(1) five-family unit; five-man group; quintet; (2) (archaism) five-household neighborhood unit (for mutual aid, self-protection, etc.; Edo period); (place-name) Goningumi


see styles
wǔ dài shǐ
    wu3 dai4 shi3
wu tai shih
History of the Five Dynasties, eighteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Xue Juzheng 薛居正[Xue1 Ju1 zheng4] in 974 during Northern Song 北宋[Bei3 Song4], 150 scrolls


see styles
wǔ zhù dì
    wu3 zhu4 di4
wu chu ti
 go jūji
(五住) The five fundamental condition of 煩惱 the passions and delusions: wrong views which are common to the trailokya; clinging, or attachment, in the desire-realm; clinging, or attachment, in the form-realm; clinging, or attachment, in the formless realm which is still mortal: the state of unenlightenment or ignorance in the trailokya 三界 which is the root-cause of all distressful delusion, Also 五住地惑.


see styles
wǔ fó guàn
    wu3 fo2 guan4
wu fo kuan
 gobutsu kan
jeweled crown of the five buddhas


see styles
wǔ fó zǐ
    wu3 fo2 zi3
wu fo tzu
 go busshi
Five classes of Buddhists; also idem 五比丘 q. v.


see styles
wǔ fó xìng
    wu3 fo2 xing4
wu fo hsing
 go busshō
The five characteristics of a Buddha' s nature: the first three are the 三因佛性 q. v., the fourth is 果佛性 the fruition of perfect enlightenment, and the fifth 果果佛性 the fruition of that fruition, or the revelation of parinirvāṇa. The first three are natural attributes, the two last are acquired.



see styles
wǔ fó dǐng
    wu3 fo2 ding3
wu fo ting
 go butchō
(五佛頂尊); 五頂輪王 Five bodhisattvas sometimes placed on the left of Śākyamuni, indicative of five forms of wisdom: (1) 白傘佛頂輪王 (白蓋佛頂輪王); 白 M027897佛頂, Sitāta-patra, with white parasol, symbol of pure mercy, one of the titles of Avalokiteśvara; (2) 勝佛頂 Jaya, with sword symbol of wisdom, or discretion; (3) 最勝佛頂 (一字最勝佛頂輪王); 金輪佛頂 (最勝金輪佛頂); 轉輪王佛頂 Vijaya, with golden wheel symbol of unexcelled power of preaching; (4) 火聚佛頂; 光聚佛頂 (or 放光佛頂 or 火光佛頂) ; 高佛頂 Tejorāṣi, collected brilliance, with insignia of authority 如意寶 or a fame; (5) 捨除佛頂; 除障佛頂; 摧碎佛頂; 除業佛頂; 除蓋障佛頂; 尊勝, etc. Vikīrṇa, scattering and destroying all distressing delusion, with a hook as symbol.


see styles
wǔ zuò gēn
    wu3 zuo4 gen1
wu tso ken
 go sa kon
five organs of activity


see styles
wǔ shǐ zhě
    wu3 shi3 zhe3
wu shih che
 go shisha
The five messengers of Mañjuśrī, 丈殊五使者, 五種金剛使; they are shown on his left in his court in the Garbhadhātu group; their names are (1) Keśīnī 髻設尼 (or 計設尼) ; 繼室尼. (2) Upakeśīnī 鄔波髻設尼; 烏波髻施儞 (or 烏波髻施尼); 優婆計設尼. (3) Citrā 質多羅 (or 質怛羅). (4) Vasumatī, tr. 慧 and 財慧; 嚩蘇磨 底. (5) Ākarṣaṇī, tr. 請召 , 釣召 and 招召 ;阿羯沙尼.


see styles
wǔ shì zhě
    wu3 shi4 zhe3
wu shih che
 go jisha
five attendants



see styles
wǔ gōng yǎng
    wu3 gong1 yang3
wu kung yang
 go kuyō
The five kinds of offerings— unguents, chaplets, incense, food, and lamps (or candles).



see styles
wǔ jù lún
    wu3 ju4 lun2
wu chü lun
 go gurin
The five comrades, i. e. Śākyamuni's five old companions in asceticism and first converts, v. 五比丘. Also 五拘鄰.



see styles
wǔ jù lún
    wu3 ju4 lun2
wu chü lun
five comrades


see styles
wǔ tíng xīn
    wu3 ting2 xin1
wu t`ing hsin
    wu ting hsin
 go chōshin
five kinds of mental stabilization


see styles
wǔ bā zūn
    wu3 ba1 zun1
wu pa tsun
 gohachi son
The forty forms of Guanyin, or the Guanyin with forty hands: the forty forms multiplied by the twenty-five things 二十五有 make 1, 000, hence Guanyin with the thousand hands.



see styles
wǔ bā shì
    wu3 ba1 shi4
wu pa shih
 gohachi shiki
The five sense perceptions and the eighth or ālaya vijñāna, the fecundating principle of consciousness in man.


see styles
wǔ jù zú
    wu3 ju4 zu2
wu chü tsu
five implements placed in front of a Buddhist altar: two candlesticks, two vases (usu. containing flowers made of gilded copper) and one incense burner
The five complete utensils for worship— two flower vases, two candlesticks, and a censer.


see styles
wǔ fēn lǜ
    wu3 fen1 lv4
wu fen lü
 Gobun ritsu
五分戒本 The Mahīśāsaka Vinaya, or five divisions of the law according to that school.


see styles
wǔ fēn xiāng
    wu3 fen1 xiang1
wu fen hsiang
 gobun kō
The five kinds of incense, or fragrance, corresponding with the 五分法身, i. e. the fragrance of 戒香, 定香, etc.



see styles
wǔ bié jìng
    wu3 bie2 jing4
wu pieh ching
 go bekkyō
five mental factors that function only with specific objects


see styles
wǔ lì shǐ
    wu3 li4 shi3
wu li shih
 go rishi
Five of the ten 'runners 'or lictors, i. e. delusions; the ten are divided into five 鈍 dull, or stupid, and five 利 sharp or keen, appealing to the intellect; the latter are 身見, 邊見, 邪見, 見取見, 戒禁取見.


see styles
wǔ gōng dé
    wu3 gong1 de2
wu kung te
 go kudoku
five kinds of virtues


see styles
wǔ yìn dù
    wu3 yin4 du4
wu yin tu
 Go Indo
five Indias


see styles
five-forked road; five-road junction



see styles
wǔ qǔ yùn
    wu3 qu3 yun4
wu ch`ü yün
    wu chü yün
 go shūn
appropriated five aggregates



see styles
wǔ wèi chán
    wu3 wei4 chan2
wu wei ch`an
    wu wei chan
 gomi zen
Five kinds of concentration, i. e. that of heretics, ordinary people, Hīnayāna, Mahāyāna, and 最上乘 the supreme vehicle, or that of believers in the fundamental Buddha-nature of all things; this is styled 如來滿淨禪; 一行三昧,; 眞如三昧.


see styles
wǔ wèi zhōu
    wu3 wei4 zhou1
wu wei chou
 gomi juku
The porridge of five flavors made on the eighth day of the twelfth moon, the anniversary of the Buddha's enlightenment.


see styles
wǔ pǐn wèi
    wu3 pin3 wei4
wu p`in wei
    wu pin wei
 gohon i
five preliminary grades of the disciple



see styles
wǔ wéi zhǒng
    wu3 wei2 zhong3
wu wei chung
 goyui shu
five rudimentary elements


see styles
wǔ wéi liáng
    wu3 wei2 liang2
wu wei liang
 go yuiryō
five rudimentary elements


see styles
wǔ shàn gēn
    wu3 shan4 gen1
wu shan ken
 go zenkon
five wholesome roots



see styles
wǔ jiān gù
    wu3 jian1 gu4
wu chien ku
 go kengo
idem 五五百年.



see styles
wǔ tán fǎ
    wu3 tan2 fa3
wu t`an fa
    wu tan fa
 go dan hō
The ceremonies before the 五大明王.


see styles
the Five Powers


see styles
wǔ dà zūn
    wu3 da4 zun1
wu ta tsun
 go daison
idem 五大明王.


see styles
 godaishuu / godaishu
the Five Continents


see styles
wǔ dà xíng
    wu3 da4 xing2
wu ta hsing
 godai gyō
The symbols of the five elements— earth as square, water round, fire triangular, wind half-moon, and space a combination of the other four.


see styles
wǔ dà shī
    wu3 da4 shi1
wu ta shih
 go daise
The five great gifts, i. e. ability to keep the five commandments.


see styles
 gotaiyou; godaiyou(ik) / gotaiyo; godaiyo(ik)
    ごたいよう; ごだいよう(ik)
the five oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic)


see styles
wǔ dà zhōu
    wu3 da4 zhou1
wu ta chou
 godaishuu / godaishu
five continents; the whole world
the Five Continents


see styles
wǔ dà hú
    wu3 da4 hu2
wu ta hu
Great Lakes; the five north American Great Lakes
(place-name) the Great Lakes (of North America)


see styles
 gotairou / gotairo
(hist) (See 五奉行) Council of Five Elders; committee of daimyo formed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi to rule Japan until his son Hideyori came of age


see styles
wǔ dà sè
    wu3 da4 se4
wu ta se
 go daishiki
The five chief colours— yellow for earth, white for water, red for fire, black for wind, azure for space (or the sky). Some say white for wind and black for water.



see styles
wǔ dà guān
    wu3 da4 guan1
wu ta kuan
 godai kan
The meditation on the five elements 五大.


see styles
wǔ dà yuàn
    wu3 da4 yuan4
wu ta yüan
 godaiin / godain
(surname) Godaiin
The fifth of the thirteen great courts of the Garbhadhātu-maṇḍala, named 持明院, the court of the five Dharmapālas 五大明王.


see styles
the five continents; Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia; Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and South America


see styles
w u tiān zǐ
    w u3 tian1 zi3
w u t`ien tzu
    w u tien tzu
 go tenshi
five celestials


see styles
wǔ tiān zhú
    wu3 tian1 zhu2
wu t`ien chu
    wu tien chu
 go tenjiku
five regions of India


see styles
 gobugyou / gobugyo
(hist) (See 五大老) the five commissioners; administrative organ of feudal Japan established by Toyotomi Hideyoshi



see styles
wǔ rú lái
    wu3 ru2 lai2
wu ju lai
 go nyorai
The five Tathāgatas, or Dhyāni-Buddhas, in their special capacity of relieving the lot of hungry ghosts; i. e. Ratnasambhava. Akṣobhya, Amoghasiddhi, Vairocana, and Śākyamuni; v. 五智如來. '


see styles
wǔ miào yù
    wu3 miao4 yu4
wu miao yü
 go myōyoku
The five creature desires stimulated by the objects of the five earthly senses.


see styles
wǔ zǐ qí
    wu3 zi3 qi2
wu tzu ch`i
    wu tzu chi
five-in-a-row (game similar to tic-tac-toe); Japanese: gomoku; gobang

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Five Reflections - Gosei" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary