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Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
(bound form) foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian; classifier for processes or actions that take time and effort; (classifier) a kind; a sort; (classifier) (used after the verb 翻[fan1] to indicate how many times a quantity doubles, as in 翻一番[fan1 yi1 fan1] "to double")
(n,n-suf) (1) number (in a series); (2) (one's) turn; (3) watch; guard; lookout; (suffix noun) (4) rank; standing; position; (n,n-suf) (5) {sumo} bout; match; (suffix noun) (6) pieces (in a collection); (surname) Ban
Barbarian, foreign; a time, a turn.

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arable fields; cultivated field; class; category
one's group, companions, peers

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blemish; flaw; defect
(1) wound; injury; cut; gash; bruise; scratch; scrape; scar; (2) chip; crack; scratch; nick; (3) flaw; defect; weakness; weak point; (4) stain (on one's reputation); disgrace; dishonor; dishonour; (5) (emotional) hurt; hurt feelings

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constipation; lump in the abdomen
(irregular okurigana usage) load on one's chest

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imbecile; sentimental; stupid; foolish; silly
(1) foolishness; fool; (2) (Buddhist term) moha (ignorance, folly); (noun or adjectival noun) foolish thing; stupid thing; absurdity
moha, 'unconsciousness,' 'delusion,' 'perplexity,' 'ignorance, folly,' 'infatuation,' etc. M.W. Also, mūḍha. In Chinese it is silly, foolish, daft, stupid. It is intp. by 無明 unenlightened, i.e. misled by appearances, taking the seeming for real; from this unenlightened condition arises every kind of kleśa, i.e. affliction or defilement by the passions, etc. It is one of the three poisons, desire, dislike, delusion.

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 kuse(p); heki; kuse
    くせ(P); へき; クセ
habit; hobby
(1) habit (usu. a bad one); tendency; (2) (くせ, クセ only) peculiarity; idiosyncrasy; mannerism; quirk; (3) (くせ, クセ only) crease; wrinkle; curl; kink; (personal name) Minehira
chronic swelling of the spleen

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to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop; to make a bundle of money; classifier for gunshots (rounds)
(surname) Hatsu
To shoot forth, send, issue; start, initiate; expound; prosper.

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one grain
(surname) Saikachi

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leather; skin; fur; CL:張|张[zhang1]; pico- (one trillionth); naughty
(1) (See 革) skin; hide; pelt; fur; (2) rind; peel; husk; bark; (3) shell; sheath; wrapping; (4) (See 化けの皮) mask (hiding one's true nature); seeming; (personal name) Hi
皮革 Leather, skin, hide.

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to watch attentively; to fix one's attention on; to stare at; to gaze at

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 sou / so
appearance; portrait; picture; government minister; (physics) phase; (literary) to appraise (esp. by scrutinizing physical features); to read sb's fortune (by physiognomy, palmistry etc)
(1) aspect; appearance; look; (2) physiognomy (as an indication of one's fortune); (3) {gramm} aspect; (4) {physics;chem} phase (e.g. solid, liquid and gaseous); (given name) Tasuku
lakṣana 攞乞尖拏. Also, nimitta. A 'distinctive mark, sign', 'indication, characteristic', 'designation'. M. W. External appearance; the appearance of things; form; a phenomenon 有爲法 in the sense of appearance; mutual; to regard. The four forms taken by every phenomenon are 生住異滅 rise, stay, change, cease, i. e. birth, life, old age, death. The Huayan school has a sixfold division of form, namely, whole and parts, together and separate, integrate and disintegrate. A Buddha or Cakravartī is recognized by his thirty-two lakṣana , i. e. his thirty-two characteristic physiological marks.

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 shou / sho
(bound form) to scrutinize; (bound form) to reflect (on one's conduct); (bound form) to come to realize; (bound form) to pay a visit (to one's parents or elders)
(n,n-suf) (1) ministry; department; (n,n-suf) (2) province (of China); (prefix noun) (3) (See 省スペース) saving; conserving; (female given name) Mitsumu
Look into minutely, inspect, examine; arouse; spare, save; an inspectorate, hence a province.

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 byou / byo
blind in one eye; blind; tiny; humble; to stare
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) (obsolete) (See 眇たる・びょうたる) small; minute; tiny; little; insignificant; (2) (obsolete) (See 眇・すがめ) squint eye; cross-eye; strabismus

see styles
(bound form) one's family, esp. wife and children; (literary) to regard with love and affection; to feel concern for
(given name) Ken
Regard, love; wife; family; relatives; retainers.

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to open (one's eyes)

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to take aim; (fig.) to aim one's looks at; to glance at

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to narrow one's eyes; to squint; (dialect) to take a nap

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(literary) to stare angrily; to glare
(Buddhist term) dosa (ill will, antipathy)
krodha; pratigha; dveṣa; one of the six fundamental kleśas, anger, ire, wrath, resentment, one of the three poisons; also called 瞋恚.

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to open (one's eyes) wide; to stare at; to glare at

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(coll.) (of something hard or rough) to press against some part of one's body causing discomfort (like a small stone in one's shoe); to hurt; to chafe

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to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors); memorial ceremony; (in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon; (lit. and fig.) to wield
festival; feast; (surname, female given name) Matsuri
Sacrifice, sacrificial.

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variant of 並|并[bing4]
Together, idem 並.

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respectful; horrified; to raise (one's shoulders); to stand on tiptoe; to crane

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 kyuu / kyu
trunks (for books)
(1) box carried on one's back to store books; (2) (See 笈・おい) wooden box carried on one's back to store items for a pilgrimage
A satchel, book-box; translit. g.

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bamboo mat for sitting
(1) woven mat (esp. one made of straw); (2) (archaism) seat

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joint; node; (bound form) section; segment; solar term (one of the 24 divisions of the year in the traditional Chinese calendar); seasonal festival; (bound form) to economize; to save; (bound form) moral integrity; chastity; classifier for segments: lessons, train wagons, biblical verses etc; knot (nautical miles per hour)
(archaism) space between two nodes (on bamboo, etc.); (female given name) Misao; Misawo

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 su; saku
    す; さく
reed mat
mat (made of pieces of split bamboo or reeds tied together); (surname) Azeka

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small house connected to large one

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to sign one's name; to write brief comments on a document; inscribed bamboo stick (variant of 籤|签[qian1]); visa

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book or record; registry; roll; place of one's family or ancestral records; membership
(n,n-suf) (1) one's family register; one's domicile; (suffix noun) (2) nationality; (suffix noun) (3) membership (club, party, etc.); (surname) Seki
to write

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fine silk; Kangxi radical 120
(1) thread; (numeric) (2) 0.0001; one ten-thousandth; (surname) Itoyanagi

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 rei / re
to gather together; to investigate; to entangle; to correct
(given name) Rei

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 nouzaki / nozaki
to receive; to accept; to enjoy; to bring into; to pay (tax etc); nano- (one billionth); to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing
(surname) Nouzaki
Offer: pay, give; receive, take; translit. na; cf. 衲.

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pure; simple; unmixed; genuine
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to) (1) innocent; chaste; naive; (prefix) (2) pure; unmixed; genuine; unalloyed; (given name) Yasushi
One-coloured, unadulterated, pure, sincere.

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to tie; bind or fasten together; to kidnap

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classics; sacred book; scripture; to pass through; to undergo; to bear; to endure; warp (textile); longitude; menstruation; channel (TCM); abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]
(female given name) Tsune
A warp, that which runs lengthwise; to pass through or by, past; to manage, regulate; laws, canons, classics. Skt. sūtras; threads, threaded together, classical works. Also called 契經 and 經本. The sūtras in the Tripiṭaka are the sermons attributed to the Buddha; the other two divisions are 律 the Vinaya, and 論 the śāstras, or Abhidharma; cf. 三藏. Every sūtra begins with the words 如是我聞 'Thus did I hear', indicating that it contains the words of Śākyamuni.


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green; (slang) (derived from 綠帽子|绿帽子[lu:4 mao4 zi5]) to cheat on (one's spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend)

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bind up; string together

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to sew; to stitch together; to combine; to link; to connect; to put words together; to compose; to embellish
(1) spelling; (2) orthography; (3) patching; binding; (female given name) Tsuzuru


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thread; string; wire; line; CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]; (after a number) tier (unofficial ranking of a Chinese city)
(n,n-suf) (1) line; stripe; stria; (n,n-suf) (2) line (e.g. telephone line); wire; (n,n-suf) (3) (See X線) ray (e.g. X-ray); beam; (n,n-suf) (4) line (e.g. of a railroad); track; route; lane; (n,n-suf) (5) outline; contours; form; (n,n-suf) (6) level; (n,n-suf) (7) division; (n,n-suf) (8) (See いい線) line (of action); position; approach; policy; principle; (n,n-suf) (9) (See 線が太い,線が細い) impression one leaves; air one gives off; (surname) Sen
A thread, wire, clue, spy, lead, connection.

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Japanese variant of 纖|纤
(1) (abbreviation) (See 繊蘿蔔) daikon julienne; julienned daikon; (numeric) (2) one ten-millionth

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one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ra"), an ancient Korean writing system

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 gyou / gyo
to stick up; to rise on one end; to tilt
(given name) Gyou

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extremely aged (in one's 80s or 90s); octogenarian; nonagenarian

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 mono(p); mon
    もの(P); もん
(after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ...; (after a noun) person involved in ...; -er; -ist; (used after a number or 後|后[hou4] or 前[qian2] to refer to something mentioned previously); (used after a term, to mark a pause before defining the term); (old) (used at the end of a command); (old) this
(rarely used without a qualifier) person
the one [who, which]

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aged; in one's eighties

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to play with; to wield; to act (cool etc); to display (a skill, one's temper etc)

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ear; handle (archaeology); and that is all (Classical Chinese)
(1) ear; (2) hearing; (3) ear (for music, etc.); (4) edge; crust; heel (of bread or cheese); selvedge (of woven fabric); selvage; (5) ear (of a pot, jug, etc.); handle; (surname, female given name) Mimi
śrotra, the ear, one of the 六根 six organs of sense, hence 耳入 is one of the twelve 入, as 耳處 is one of the twelve 處.

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(1) husband; groom; (2) (one's) son-in-law

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sound; voice; tone; noise; reputation; classifier for sounds
(out-dated kanji) voice
śabda. Sound, tone, voice, repute; one of the five physical senses or sensations, i.e. sound, the聲入, 聲根, or聲塵, cf. 六 and 十二入.

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(1) abdomen; belly; stomach; (2) womb; (3) one's mind; one's real intentions; one's true motive; (4) courage; nerve; willpower; (5) generosity; magnanimity; (6) feelings; emotions; (7) wide middle part; bulging part; (8) inside; interior; inner part; (9) (physics) anti-node; (suf,ctr) (10) counter for hard roe; (11) counter for containers with bulging middles (pots, vases, etc.)

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stomach; CL:個|个[ge4]
(1) stomach; (2) {astron} (See 胃宿,白虎・びゃっこ・2) Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)

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the back of a body or object; to turn one's back; to hide something from; to learn by heart; to recite from memory; unlucky (slang); hard of hearing
(dated) (See 背中) back (of the body)
Back, behind; turn the back on, go contrary on the back.

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 yani; yani
    やに; ヤニ
fat; rouge (cosmetics); resin
(1) resin; (2) (tobacco) resin; tar; nicotine; (3) sleep (in one's eyes, i.e. eye mucus)
Fat, lard; soapstone; wealth; translit. ci, cai; see 支.

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flank (the side of one's torso); to coerce; to threaten

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variant of 脅|胁[xie2]
(1) armpit; under one's arm; side; flank; (2) beside; close to; near; by; (3) aside; to the side; away; out of the way; (4) off-track; off-topic; (5) deuteragonist; supporting role; (6) (abbreviation) second verse (in a linked series of poems); (adj-no,n-adv,n-t) (1) side; edge; beside; besides; nearby; (adverbial noun) (2) (kana only) while (doing); in addition to; at the same time; (surname) Wakihama
The ribs, flanks, sides; forceful, to coerce.

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armpit; (biology) axilla; (botany) axil; Taiwan pr. [yi4]
(1) armpit; under one's arm; side; flank; (2) beside; close to; near; by; (3) aside; to the side; away; out of the way; (4) off-track; off-topic; (5) deuteragonist; supporting role; (6) (abbreviation) second verse (in a linked series of poems)

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 kou / ko
(bound form) cavity; tune; accent (in one's speech); (old) (classifier for carcasses of slaughtered livestock)
{anat} cavity

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abdomen; stomach; belly
(1) abdomen; belly; stomach; (2) womb; (3) one's mind; one's real intentions; one's true motive; (4) courage; nerve; willpower; (5) generosity; magnanimity; (6) feelings; emotions; (7) wide middle part; bulging part; (8) inside; interior; inner part; (9) (physics) anti-node; (suf,ctr) (10) counter for hard roe; (11) counter for containers with bulging middles (pots, vases, etc.)
The belly.

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 omi; shin
    おみ; しん
state official or subject in dynastic China; I, your servant (used in addressing the sovereign); Kangxi radical 131
(1) (archaism) retainer; attendant; (2) (おみ only) (archaism) (See 八色の姓) Omi (hereditary title; orig. one of the two highest such titles, later demoted to sixth highest of eight); (pronoun) (3) (しん only) (humble language) (used by a servant when speaking to their master) I; me; (surname) Tomi

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(bound form) self; oneself; from; since; naturally; as a matter of course
(prefix) (1) self-; (prefix) (2) (See 至) from (a time or place); (female given name) Mizu
sva, svayam; the self, one' s own, personal; of itself, naturally, of course; also, from (i. e. from the self as central). 自 is used as the opposite of 他 another, other's, etc., e. g. 自力 (in) one's own strength as contrasted with 他力 the strength of another, especially in the power to save of a Buddha or Bodhisattva. It is also used in the sense of ātman 阿怛摩 the self, or the soul.

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Japanese variant of 舍[she4]
(suffix noun) (1) hut; house; (2) (abbreviation) (See 寄宿舎) boarding house; residence hall; dormitory; (3) (archaism) (in the ancient Chinese army) one day's march (approx. 12.2 km); (surname) Sha

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2 boats lashed together; large boat
(irregular okurigana usage) painter; mooring rope

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 gon; kon; e
    ごん; こん; え
one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing mountain; ☶; ancient Chinese compass point: 45° (northeast)
gen (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: mountain, northeast); (given name) Gon

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(coll.) color; used in 色子[shai3 zi5]
(counter) counter for colours; (female given name) Shiki
rūpa, outward appearance, form, colour, matter, thing; the desirable, especially feminine attraction. It is defined as that which has resistance; or which changes and disappears, i. e. the phenomenal; also as 顯, 形 and 表色 colour and quality, form or the measurable, and mode or action. There are divisions of two, i. e. inner and outer, as the organs and objects of sense; also colour and form; of three, i. e. the visible object, e. g. colour, the invisible object, e. g. sound, the invisible and immaterial; of eleven, i. e. the five organs and five objects of sense and the immaterial object; of fourteen, the five organs and five objects of sense and the four elements, earth, water, fire, air. rūpa is one of the six bāhya-āyatana, the 六塵; also one of the five skandhas, 五蘊, i. e. the 色身. Keith refers to rūpa as 'material form or matter which is underived (no-utpādā) and which is derived (utpādā)', the underived or independent being the tangible; the derived or dependent being the senses, e. g. of hearing; most of their objects, e. g. sound; the qualities or faculties of feminity, masculinity, vitality; intimation by act and speech, space; qualities of matter, e. g. buoyancy and physical nutriment.

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bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly
(1) pain; anguish; suffering; distress; anxiety; worry; trouble; difficulty; hardship; (2) {Buddh} (See 八苦) duhkha (suffering)
duḥkha, 豆佉 bitterness; unhappiness, suffering, pain, distress, misery; difficulty. There are lists of two, three, four, five, eight, and ten categories; the two are internal, i. e. physical and mental, and external, i. e. attacks from without. The four are birth, growing old, illness, and death. The eight are these four along with the pain of parting from the loved, of meeting with the hated, of failure in one's aims, and that caused by the five skandhas; cf. 四諦.

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to carry on one's shoulder or back; burden; responsibility
(1) load; baggage; cargo; freight; goods; (2) burden; responsibility; (personal name) Hasu
A small-leaved water-lily, a marshmallow; to carry bear.

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bamboo mat; feast, banquet
(1) woven mat (esp. one made of straw); (2) (archaism) seat; (surname) Mushiro

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vegetable; greens (CL:棵[ke1]); dish (of food) (CL:樣|样[yang4],道[dao4],盤|盘[pan2]); (of one's skills etc) weak; poor; (coll.) (one's) type
(1) greens; vegetables; (2) rape (Brassica napus); rapeseed; (female given name) Nano

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variant of 席[xi2]; woven mat
(1) woven mat (esp. one made of straw); (2) (archaism) seat

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variant of 蘊|蕴, to accumulate; to hold in store; to contain; to gather together; to collect; depth; inner strength; profundity

see styles
to accumulate; to hold in store; to contain; to gather together; to collect; depth; inner strength; profundity
(given name) Osamu
skandha, v. 塞; older tr. 陰, intp. as that which covers or conceals, implying that physical and mental forms obstruct realization of the truth; while the tr. 蘊, implying an accumulation or heap, is a nearer connotation to skandha, which, originally meaning the shoulder, becomes stem, branch, combination, the objects of sense, the elements of being or mundane consciousness. The term is intp. as the five physical and mental constituents, which combine to form the intelligent 性 or nature; rūpa, the first of the five, is considered as physical, the remaining four as mental; v. 五蘊. The skandhas refer only to the phenomenal, not to the 無爲 non-phenomenal.

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amphibious animal with one horn

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place; location; spot; point; office; department; bureau; respect; classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point
(out-dated kanji) (n,suf) (1) place; spot; scene; site; (2) (kana only) address; (3) (kana only) district; area; locality; (4) (kana only) one's house; (5) (kana only) point; aspect; side; facet; (6) (kana only) passage (in text); part; (7) (kana only) space; room; (8) (kana only) thing; matter; (9) (kana only) whereupon; as a result; (10) (kana only) about to; on the verge of; (11) (kana only) was just doing; was in the process of doing; have just done; just finished doing; (surname) Tokoro
To dwell, abide; fix, decide, punish; a place, state. āyatana, 阿耶怛那, also tr. 入, place or entrance of the sense, both the organ and the sensation, or sense datum; hence the 十二處 twelve āyatana, i. e. six organs, and six sense data that enter for discrimination.

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(1) unpreparedness; (2) falsehood; (3) {astron} (See 二十八宿,玄武・げんぶ・2) Chinese "Emptiness" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)

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variant of 蟲|虫[chong2]
(1) insect; bug; cricket; moth; (2) worm; roundworm; (3) (See 虫を殺す・むしをころす) one's emotions; one's feelings; (4) (See 虫気・むしけ) nervousness; fretfulness; (5) (See 本の虫・ほんのむし) person devoted to one thing; single-minded person; (6) valve core; (personal name) Mushi
Insect, reptile; any creeping thing; animal, man as of the animal kingdom.

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short name for Sichuan 四川[Si4 chuan1] province; one of the Three Kingdoms 三國|三国[San1 guo2] after the Han dynasty, also called 蜀漢|蜀汉[Shu3 Han4], situated around what is now Sichuan province
(1) (See 四川) Sichuan (province in China); (2) (hist) (See 三国・2,蜀漢) Shu (kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms era; 221-263); Shu Han; (3) (hist) Shu (kingdom in ancient China; ??-316 BCE)

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(of a bee or spider etc) to sting or bite; (of an irritant) to make (one's eyes or skin) sting

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arch. legendary venomous insect; to poison; to bewitch; to drive to insanity; to harm by witchcraft; intestinal parasite
(1) (archaism) (See 蠱物) charmed and cursed; (2) something that bewilders; something that leads one astray; the work of demons

see styles
blood; colloquial pr. [xie3]; CL:滴[di1],片[pian4]
(1) blood; (2) blood; ancestry; lineage; stock; (3) (the) blood; feelings; passions
Blood. 以血洗血 To wash out blood with blood, from one sin to fall into another.

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 kou / ko
to walk; to go; to travel; a visit; temporary; makeshift; current; in circulation; to do; to perform; capable; competent; effective; all right; OK!; will do; behavior; conduct; Taiwan pr. [xing4] for the behavior-conduct sense
(n,n-suf) (1) going; travelling; traveling; journey; trip; (2) act; action; (suffix noun) (3) bank; (counter) (4) counter for banks; (counter) (5) counter for groups or parties of people; (6) type of classical Chinese verse (usu. an epic from the Tang period onwards); (7) (hist) shopping district (of similar merchants; in the Sui and Tang periods); (8) (hist) merchants' guild (in the Tang period); (female given name) Yukue
Go; act; do; perform; action; conduct; functioning; the deed; whatever is done by mind, mouth, or body, i.e. in thought, word, or deed. It is used for ayana, going, road, course; a march, a division of time equal to six months; also for saṁskāra, form, operation, perfecting, as one of the twelve nidānas, similar to karma, action, work, deed, especially moral action, cf. 業.

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 hyou / hyo
exterior surface; family relationship via females; to show (one's opinion); a model; a table (listing information); a form; a meter (measuring something)
(n,n-suf) (1) table; chart; list; (2) memorial to an emperor; (surname) Hyōsaki
Indicate, manifest, express, expose; external.

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to bare
bare one's chest

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sleeve; to tuck inside one's sleeve
(1) sleeve; (2) wing (of a stage, desk, gate, etc.); (3) (kana only) flap (of a dust jacket); (personal name) Takuharu

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variant of 裡|里[li3]
(1) (ant: 表・おもて・1) opposite side; bottom; other side; side hidden from view; undersurface; reverse side; (2) rear; back; behind; (3) lining; inside; (4) in the shadows; behind the scenes; offstage; behind (someone's) back; (5) more (to something than meets the eye); hidden side (e.g. of one's personality); unknown circumstances; different side; (6) (See 裏付け) proof; (7) (See 裏をかく・1) opposite (of a prediction, common sense, etc.); contrary; (8) inverse (of a hypothesis, etc.); (9) {baseb} (ant: 表・おもて・7) bottom (of an inning); last half (of an inning); (surname) Urasaki

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paper or cloth pasted together

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to slip out of something; to hide something in one's sleeve

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lapel; overlap of Chinese gown; fig. bosom (the seat of emotions); to cherish (ambition, desires, honorable intentions etc) in one's bosom
(1) collar; lapel; neckband; neck; (2) nape of the neck; scruff of the neck; (female given name) Eri

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 souen / soen
(bound form) to raid; to attack; (bound form) to continue the pattern; to perpetuate; (literary) classifier for suits of clothing or sets of bedding
(1) pile; heap; layers (e.g. of clothing); set (e.g. of boxes); course (e.g. of stones); (counter) (2) counter for things that are stacked, piled up (or layered, etc.); (3) layers of clothing worn under one's overcoat; (4) (abbreviation) combination of colors created by layering of garments (colours); (personal name) Souen

see styles
loop; belt; band; to tie together; to stitch together

see styles

to cover; to overflow; to overturn; to capsize
(1) {Buddh} concealment (of one's vices); veil; cover; (2) (rare) overturning; toppling; (personal name) Buchi
To throw over, overthrow; prostrate; to and fro; repeated; to report; to cover.

see styles
variant of 嘴[zui3]
{astron} (See 二十八宿,白虎・びゃっこ・2) Chinese "Turtle Beak" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (surname) Kuchibashi

see styles

odd; one horn up and one horn down

see styles
to touch; to make contact with something; to stir up sb's emotions
(surname) Fure
To butt, strike against; contact. sparśa, touch, contact, collision, the quality of tangibility, feeling, sensation. M.W. Eleven kinds of sensation are given— hot, cold, hard, soft, etc. sparśa is one of the twelve nidānas, cf. 十二因緣, and of the sadāyatana, cf. 六入. It is also used with the meaning of 濁 unclean.

see styles
 kun(p); kuni(ok)
    くん(P); くに(ok)
to teach; to train; to admonish; (bound form) instruction (from superiors); teachings; rule
(1) native Japanese reading of a Chinese character; (n,suf) (2) (See 処世訓・しょせいくん) precept; lesson; one's teachings; (female given name) Yomi
To teach.

see styles
error; false; to extort
(1) (kana only) accent (of one's speech); (2) dialect; provincialism; patois; (3) corrupted form (e.g. of word); mispronunciation

see styles

to go (to visit a superior); one's current attainment in learning or art
to reach

see styles

cough slightly
To speak softly; to clear the throat. It is in contrast with 咳 to speak loudly, etc.; the two together indicate laughter.

see styles
to record; to write a footnote
(1) acquaintanceship; (2) {Buddh} vijnana; consciousness; (3) (after a signature) written by...; (personal name) Tsuguhide
vijñāna, "the art of distinguishing, or perceiving, or recognizing, discerning, understanding, comprehending, distinction, intelligence, knowledge, science, learning . . . wisdom." M.W. parijñāna, "perception, thorough knowledge," etc. M.W. It is intp. by 心 the mind, mental discernment, perception, in contrast with the object discerned; also by 了別 understanding and discrimination. There are classifications of 一識 that all things are the one mind, or are metaphysical; 二識 q. v. discriminating the ālaya-vijñāna or primal undivided condition from the mano-vijñāna or that of discrimination; 三識 in the Laṅkāvatāra Sutra, fundamental, manifested and discriminate; 五識 q.v. in the 起信論, i.e. 業, 轉, 現, 知, and 相續識; 六識 the perceptions and discernings of the six organs of sense; also of 8, 9, 10, and 11 識. The most important is the eight of the 起信論, i.e. the perceptions of the six organs of sense, eye, ear, nose, tongue, body (or touch), and mind, together with manas, intp. as 意識 the consciousness of the previous moment, on which the other six depend; the eighth is the ālaya-vijñāna, v. 阿賴耶, in which is contained the seed or stock of all phenomena and which 無沒 loses none, or nothing, is indestructible; a substitute for the seventh is ādāna 'receiving' of the 唯識, which is intp. as 無解 undiscriminated, or indefinite perception; there is a difference of view between the 相 and the 性 schools in regard to the seventh and eight 識; and the latter school add a ninth called the amala, or pure vijñāna, i.e. the non-phenomenal 眞如識. The esoterics add that all phenomena are mental and all things are the one mind, hence the one mind is 無量識 unlimited mind or knowledge, every kind of knowledge, or omniscience. vijñāna is one of the twelve nidānas.; Ālaya-vijñāna and mano-vijñāna; i. e. 阿梨耶 | and 分別事 |; v. 識.

see styles

to protect
(surname) Mori
To protect, guard, succour.; The two protectors: the inner, oneself, by studying and following the Law; the outer, those who supply what is needful for one's body and mind, e. g. supporters.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Solidarity - Working Together as One" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary