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There are 974 total results for your Warrior Essence - Warrior Spirit - Martial search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
guts; pluck; nerve; spirit


see styles
guts; pluck; nerve; spirit


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 haigorei / haigore
spirit (hiding behind one's back); guiding spirit; ghost


see styles
tāi zàng jiè
    tai1 zang4 jie4
t`ai tsang chieh
    tai tsang chieh
 taizō kai
Garbhadhātu, or Garbhakośa-(dhātu), the womb treasury, the universal source from which all things are produced; the matrix; the embryo; likened to a womb in which all of a child is conceived— its body, mind, etc. It is container and content; it covers and nourishes; and is the source of all supply. It represents the 理性 fundamental nature, both material elements and pure bodhi, or wisdom in essence or purity; 理 being the garbhadhātu as fundamental wisdom, and 智 acquired wisdom or knowledge, the vajradhātu. It also represents the human heart in its innocence or pristine purity, which is considered as the source of all Buddha-pity and moral knowledge. And it indicates that from the central being in the maṇḍala, viz. the Sun as symbol of Vairocana, there issue all the other manifestations of wisdom and power, Buddhas, bodhisattvas, demons, etc. It is 本覺 original intellect, or the static intellectuality, in contrast with 始覺 intellection, the initial or dynamic intellectuality represented in the vajradhātu; hence it is the 因 cause and vajradhātu the 果 effect; though as both are a unity, the reverse may be the rule, the effect being also the cause; it is also likened to 利他 enriching others, as vajradhātu is to 自利 enriching self. Kōbō Daishi, founder of the Yoga or Shingon 眞言 School in Japan, adopted the representation of the ideas in maṇḍalas, or diagrams, as the best way of revealing the mystic doctrine to the ignorant. The garbhadhātu is the womb or treasury of all things, the universe; the 理 fundamental principle, the source; its symbols are a triangle on its base, and an open lotus as representing the sun and Vairocana. In Japan this maṇḍala is placed on the east, typifying the rising sun as source, or 理. The vajradhātu is placed west and represents 智 wisdom or knowledge as derived from 理 the underlying principle, but the two are essential one to the other, neither existing apart. The material and spiritual; wisdom-source and intelligence; essence and substance; and similar complementary ideas are thus portrayed; the garbhadhātu may be generally considered as the static and the vajradhātu as the dynamic categories, which are nevertheless a unity. The garbhadhātu is divided into 三部 three sections representing samādhi or quiescence, wisdom-store, and pity-store, or thought, knowledge, pity; one is called the Buddha-section, the others the Vajra and Lotus sections respectively; the three also typify vimokṣa, prajñā, and dharmakāya, or freedom, understanding, and spirituality. There are three heads of these sections, i. e. Vairocana, Vajrapāṇi, and Avalokiteśvara; each has a mother or source, e. g. Vairocana from Buddha's-eye; and each has a 明王 or emanation of protection against evil; also a śakti or female energy; a germ-letter, etc. The diagram of five Buddhas contains also four bodhisattvas, making nine in all, and there are altogether thirteen 大院 or great courts of various types of ideas, of varying numbers, generally spoken of as 414. Cf. 金剛界; 大日; 兩部.


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 jiyuujin / jiyujin
free person; free spirit; (personal name) Jiyūto


see styles
spirit of self-reliance; feeling of independence



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zì tǐ ài
    zi4 ti3 ai4
tzu t`i ai
    tzu ti ai
attachment to a self essence


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 hananosei / hananose
spirit of a flower



see styles
kǔ dì tǐ
    ku3 di4 ti3
k`u ti t`i
    ku ti ti
 kutai tai
essence (or nature) of the truth of suffering



see styles
máo tái jiǔ
    mao2 tai2 jiu3
mao t`ai chiu
    mao tai chiu
maotai (a strong spirit produced in Guizhou); CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2]
See: 茅台酒



see styles
zhuāng yán mén
    zhuang1 yan2 men2
chuang yen men
 shōgon mon
The gate or school of the adornment of the spirit, in contrast with external practices, ceremonies, asceticism, etc.


see styles
(v1,vi) (1) to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money); (2) to be omitted; to be missing; (3) to decrease; to sink; (4) to fail (e.g. exam or class); to lose (contest, election, etc.); (5) to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind; (6) to become indecent (of a conversation); (7) to be ruined; to go under; (8) to fade; to come out (e.g. a stain); to come off (e.g. makeup); to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list); (9) to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession; (10) to fall (into a trap); to fall (for a trick); (11) to give in; to give up; to confess; to flee; (12) to fall; to be defeated; to surrender; (13) to come to (in the end); to end in; (14) to fall (in love, asleep, etc.); (15) to swoon (judo); (16) to consent; to understand; (17) (computer terminology) to crash; to freeze; (18) to die; (19) to move to the depths


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 hakkasei / hakkase
essence of mint



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xū wú shēn
    xu1 wu2 shen1
hsü wu shen
 komu shin
The immaterial Buddha-body, the spirit free from all limitations.



see styles
wèi shì shī
    wei4 shi4 shi1
wei shih shih
Vaiśeṣika; derived from viśeṣa, characteristic, individuality, particularity or individual essence. M.W. Also 鞞世師 (or 鞞思迦); 吠世史迦; 勝論宗 An atomistic school founded by Kaṇāda. Like the Saṅkhya philosophy it taught a dualism and an endless number of souls, also by its doctrine of particularity or individual essence maintained 'the eternally distinct or sui generis nature of the nine substances' (see below), 'of which the first five including mind are held to be atomic.' M.W. The interaction of these with the six mentioned below produces cosmic evolution. It chiefly occupied itself, like the orthodox Nyāya philosophy, with the theory of knowledge, but it differed by distinguishing only six categories of cognition 六諦, viz. substance, quality, activity, species, distinction, and correlation, also a seventh of non-existence, and nine substances possessed of qualities, these 九陰 being: the five elements, air, fire, water, earth, ether, together with time, space, spirit (manas), and soul (ātman). Cf. Keith, Indian Logic and Atomism, and Dasgupta, History of Indian Philosophy.


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 binboushou / binbosho
(1) parsimonious spirit; tendency to be frugal; inclination to scrimp and save; (2) tendency to fuss over trivial things; worrier's disposition


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(ateji / phonetic) (kana only) (abbreviation) extract (esp. of food, fruit, etc.); essence



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jìn qǔ xīn
    jin4 qu3 xin1
chin ch`ü hsin
    chin chü hsin
enterprising spirit; initiative


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zhē wén tú
    zhe1 wen2 tu2
che wen t`u
    che wen tu
? cāmuṇḍā, a jealous woman; angry spirit; evil demon, one used to call up the dead to slay an enemy.



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jiǔ jīng dēng
    jiu3 jing1 deng1
chiu ching teng
spirit lamp


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 tousoushin / tososhin
belligerence; fighting spirit


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 zassoudamashii / zassodamashi
(1) tenacity of weeds; stubbornness of weeds; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (colloquialism) die hard spirit


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snow child (type of winter spirit)


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 reitoniku / retoniku
(expression) flesh and spirit


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 shunousha / shunosha
head; leading spirit


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(1) joint (between bones); (2) backbone; spirit



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tǐ xiàng yòng
    ti3 xiang4 yong4
t`i hsiang yung
    ti hsiang yung
The three great fundamentals in the Awakening of Faith— substance; characteristics, function.


see styles
tǐ zhēn zhǐ
    ti3 zhen1 zhi3
t`i chen chih
    ti chen chih
cessation as the realization of the essence of reality


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guǐ zǐ mǔ
    gui3 zi3 mu3
kuei tzu mu
Hāritī, 訶梨帝 intp. as pleased, or pleasing. A 'woman who having vowed to devour all the babies at Rādjagriha was reborn as a rākshasī, and gave birth to 500 children, one of which she was to devour every day. Converted by Śākyamuni she entered a convent. Her image is to be seen in all nunneries'. Eitel. Another account is that she is the mother of 500 demons, and that from being an evil goddess or spirit she was converted to become a protectress of Buddhism.


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aggressiveness; competitive spirit; fighting spirit


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(1) spirit (fre: esprit); (2) esprit; wit


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spirit (ger: Geist); (personal name) Geist


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kobold (evil spirit in German folklore) (ger: Kobolt); goblin; (personal name) Cobbold


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uprooted person (fre: déraciné); free spirit; something or someone who has lost (cultural, geographical, family, etc.) roots


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(1) fight; (2) (abbreviation) (See ファイティングスピリット) fighting spirit; (interjection) (3) fight!; do your best; go for it; keep at it; (place-name) Fayd (Saudi Arabia)


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{phil} pneuma (grc:); spirit; soul


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(1) visitor from afar; (2) joy-bringing spirit from the divine realms


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(wk) Rusalka (opera by Dvořák); (myth) rusalka (female spirit in Slavic folklore)


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(1) (kana only) romance (e.g. Arthurian romances) (fre: roman); (2) (kana only) novel; (3) (kana only) romance; love affair; (4) (kana only) adventurous spirit; impossible dream; great ambition; (personal name) Lohmann; Lowman



see styles
yī líng zhēn xìng
    yi1 ling2 zhen1 xing4
i ling chen hsing
soul; spirit



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yī tǐ sān fēn
    yi1 ti3 san1 fen1
i t`i san fen
    i ti san fen
 ittai sanbun
The trinity of 摩醯首羅 Maheśvara (Śiva), 那羅延 Nārāyaṇa (Viṣṇu), and 梵天 Brahmā. One being in three manifestations.



see styles
yī tǐ sān bǎo
    yi1 ti3 san1 bao3
i t`i san pao
    i ti san pao
 ittai no sanbō
In the one body of the saṅgha is the whole triratna, Buddha, Dharma, and saṅgha. Also, Mind, Buddha, and the living, these three are without differentiation, 心佛與衆生是三無差別, i.e. are all one.



see styles
sān pǐn tīng fǎ
    san1 pin3 ting1 fa3
san p`in t`ing fa
    san pin ting fa
 sanbon chōhō
The three grades of hearers, i.e. 上 with the 神 spirit; 中 with the 心 mind; 下 with the 耳 ear.


see styles
zhōng yǒu zhī lǚ
    zhong1 you3 zhi1 lv3
chung yu chih lü
 chūu no tabi
An unsettled being in search of a new habitat or reincarnation; v. 中陰.



see styles
zhōng yīn fǎ shì
    zhong1 yin1 fa3 shi4
chung yin fa shih
 chūon hōji
The means used (by the deceased' s family) for ensuring a favorable reincarnation during the intermediate stage, between death and reincarnation.



see styles
zhǔ kè yī tǐ
    zhu3 ke4 yi1 ti3
chu k`o i t`i
    chu ko i ti
 shukyaku ittai
lit. host and guest are the same in essence


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artifact spirit; in folk belief, long-lived objects (household objects, living beings, nature, etc.) become inhabited by a spirit


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 kojikikonjou / kojikikonjo
mercenary spirit; greed; avarice; base nature



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rén jié dì líng
    ren2 jie2 di4 ling2
jen chieh ti ling
illustrious hero, spirit of the place (idiom); a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son



see styles
yǐ hé wéi tǐ
    yi3 he2 wei2 ti3
i ho wei t`i
    i ho wei ti
 i ka i tai
what (which) is to be regarded as the essence



see styles
yǐ wéi tǐ xìng
    yi3 wei2 ti3 xing4
i wei t`i hsing
    i wei ti hsing
 i i taishō
to construe to be an essence


see styles
fó jù shí shēn
    fo2 ju4 shi2 shen1
fo chü shih shen
 butsugu jūshin
The ten perfect bodies or characteristics of Buddha: (1) 菩提身 Bodhi-body in possession of complete enlightenment. (2) 願身 Vow-body, i.e. the vow to be born in and from the Tuṣita heaven. (3) 化身 nirmāṇakāya, Buddha incarnate as a man. (4) 住持身 Buddha who still occupies his relics or what he has left behind on earth and thus upholds the dharma. (5) 相好莊嚴身 saṁbhogakāya, endowed with an idealized body with all Buddha marks and merits. (6) 勢力身 or 心佛 Power-body, embracing all with his heart of mercy. (7) 如意身 or 意生身 At will body, appearing according to wish or need. (8) 福德身 or 三昧身 samādhi body, or body of blessed virtue. (9) 智身 or 性佛 Wisdom-body, whose nature embraces all wisdom. (10) 法身 dharmakāya, the absolute Buddha, or essence of all life.



see styles
fó fán yī tǐ
    fo2 fan2 yi1 ti3
fo fan i t`i
    fo fan i ti
 butsubon ittai
Buddha and the common people are one, i.e. all are of Buddha-nature.


see styles
 touhakonjou / tohakonjo
partisan spirit (prejudice); partisanship; factionalism



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bā dà líng tǎ
    ba1 da4 ling2 ta3
pa ta ling t`a
    pa ta ling ta
 hachi dai ryōtō
The eight great "spirit", or sacred stūpas erected at (1) Kapilavastu, Buddha's birthplace; (2) Magadha, where he was first enlightened; (3) the deer-park Benares, where he first preached; (4) Jetavana, where he revealed his supernatural powers; (5) Kanyākubja (Kanauj), where he descended from Indra's heavens; (6) Rājagṛha, where Devadatta was destroyed and the Saṅgha purifed; (7) Vaiśāli, where he announced his speedy nirvana; (8) Kuśinagara, where he entered nirvāṇa. There is another slightly variant list.



see styles
bā shì tǐ yī
    ba1 shi4 ti3 yi1
pa shih t`i i
    pa shih ti i
 hasshikitai ichi
The eight perceptions are fundamentally unity, opposed by the 唯識 school with the doctrine 八識體別 that they are fundamentally discrete.



see styles
fán shèng bù èr
    fan2 sheng4 bu4 er4
fan sheng pu erh
 bonshō funi
Sinners and saints are of the same fundamental nature.



see styles
chuàng yè jīng shén
    chuang4 ye4 jing1 shen2
ch`uang yeh ching shen
    chuang yeh ching shen
enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit



see styles
jiàn mó shè dì
    jian4 mo2 she4 di4
chien mo she ti
A spirit or demon, ? Aniruddha, the unobstructed, the ungovernable, son of Kāma (Love, Lust).



see styles
lì bù cóng xīn
    li4 bu4 cong2 xin1
li pu ts`ung hsin
    li pu tsung hsin
less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak


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 yuukirinrin / yukirinrin
(adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) full of spirit; brimming with courage; high-spirited; mettlesome


see styles
 yuukirinrin / yukirinrin
(adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) full of spirit; brimming with courage; high-spirited; mettlesome



see styles
yǒng měng jīng jìn
    yong3 meng3 jing1 jin4
yung meng ching chin
 yuumyoushoujin; yuumoushoujin / yumyoshojin; yumoshojin
    ゆうみょうしょうじん; ゆうもうしょうじん
(noun/participle) (yoji) engage in ascetic practices with dauntless spirit
Bold advance, or progress.


see styles
shí liù dà lì
    shi2 liu4 da4 li4
shih liu ta li
 jūroku dairiki
The sixteen great powers obtainable by a bodhisattva, i.e. of will, mind, action, shame (to do evil), energy, firmness, wisdom, virtue, reasoning, personal appearance, physical powers, wealth, spirit, magic, spreading the truth, subduing demons.


see styles
yìn fó zuò fǎ
    yin4 fo2 zuo4 fa3
yin fo tso fa
 inbutsu sahō
An esoteric method of seeking spirit-aid by printing a Buddha on paper, or forming his image on sand, or in the air, and performing specified rites.


see styles
jí shì jí lǐ
    ji2 shi4 ji2 li3
chi shih chi li
 sokuji sokuri
The identity of phenomena with their underlying principle, e.g. body and spirit are a unity; 卽事而眞 approximates to the same meaning that phenomena are identical with reality, e.g. water and wave.


see styles
 hanzokuseishin / hanzokuseshin
anticonventional spirit; spirit of resisting convention


see styles
 hankotsuseishin / hankotsuseshin
(yoji) rebellious spirit



see styles
qǔ qí jīng huá
    qu3 qi2 jing1 hua2
ch`ü ch`i ching hua
    chü chi ching hua
to take the best; to absorb the essence


see styles
 hankotsuseishin / hankotsuseshin
(yoji) rebellious spirit


see styles
tóng dào zhōng rén
    tong2 dao4 zhong1 ren2
t`ung tao chung jen
    tung tao chung jen
kindred spirit



see styles
tóng tǐ sān bǎo
    tong2 ti3 san1 bao3
t`ung t`i san pao
    tung ti san pao
 dōtai sanbō
idem 一體三寳.



see styles
tóng tǐ sān huò
    tong2 ti3 san1 huo4
t`ung t`i san huo
    tung ti san huo
 dōtai sanwaku
three delusions in regard to the same essence



see styles
tóng tǐ dà bēi
    tong2 ti3 da4 bei1
t`ung t`i ta pei
    tung ti ta pei
 dōtai no daihi
great compassion based on sameness in essence



see styles
tóng tǐ cí bēi
    tong2 ti3 ci2 bei1
t`ung t`i tz`u pei
    tung ti tzu pei
 dōtai no jihi
great compassion based on sameness in essence


see styles
 wakonyousai / wakonyosai
(yoji) Japanese spirit with Western learning


see styles
(yoji) the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning



see styles
wéi yì zhì lùn
    wei2 yi4 zhi4 lun4
wei i chih lun
voluntarism; metaphysical view, esp. due to Schopenhauer 叔本華|叔本华[Shu1 ben3 hua2], that the essence of the world is willpower


see styles
 shouninkonjou / shoninkonjo
mercantile disposition; having a nose for profit; commercialism; mercenary spirit


see styles
 akindokatagi; shouninkatagi / akindokatagi; shoninkatagi
    あきんどかたぎ; しょうにんかたぎ
mercantile mind-set; mercenary spirit; being intent on making a profit


see styles
 shoubaikke / shobaikke
nose for profit; commercial spirit; flair for making money through business


see styles
 shoubaikatagi / shobaikatagi
mercantile spirit; mercenary spirit



see styles
yīn yuán fǎ tǐ
    yin1 yuan2 fa3 ti3
yin yüan fa t`i
    yin yüan fa ti
 innen hōtai
essence of phenomena being causes and conditions


see styles
 dannoseishin / dannoseshin
esprit de corps; spirit of the corps


see styles
 dantaiseishin / dantaiseshin
team spirit; esprit de corps; corporate spirit



see styles
zài tiān zhī líng
    zai4 tian1 zhi1 ling2
tsai t`ien chih ling
    tsai tien chih ling
soul and spirit of the deceased


see styles
 zaiyaseishin / zaiyaseshin
spirit of defiance of the opposition party; anti-establishment mindset


see styles
 shikiousei / shikiose
(noun or adjectival noun) morale being very high; heightened fighting spirit


see styles
 shikonshousai / shikonshosai
(yoji) having a samurai's spirit and a merchant's business sense


see styles
tiān bù shàn shén
    tian1 bu4 shan4 shen2
t`ien pu shan shen
    tien pu shan shen
 tenbu zenjin
Brahma, Indra, the four devaloka-rājas, and the other spirit guardians of Buddhism.



see styles
fèng xiàn jīng shén
    feng4 xian4 jing1 shen2
feng hsien ching shen
spirit of devotion; dedication


see styles
fun à bá tuó
    fun4 a4 ba2 tuo2
fun a pa t`o
    fun a pa to
Pūrṇabhadra, name of a spirit-general.


see styles
 shimagunikonjou / shimagunikonjo
island country mentality; insular spirit; insularism; insularity



see styles
jīn guó xū méi
    jin1 guo2 xu1 mei2
chin kuo hsü mei
woman with a manly spirit


see styles
cháng jí guāng tǔ
    chang2 ji2 guang1 tu3
ch`ang chi kuang t`u
    chang chi kuang tu
 joujakkoudo / jojakkodo
{Buddh} (See 寂光浄土) land of eternally tranquil light (highest realm in Tendai Buddhism)
The realm (of spirit) where all are in perpetual peace and glory; Tiantai's fourth Buddhakṣetra.


see styles
protective household deity in Tohoku, appearing as a red-faced child spirit with bobbed hair


see styles
characteristic temperament (spirit) of an actor



see styles
xīn ān shén xián
    xin1 an1 shen2 xian2
hsin an shen hsien
with one's heart at ease and one's spirit at rest (idiom)


see styles
xīn xīn xiāng yìn
    xin1 xin1 xiang1 yin4
hsin hsin hsiang yin
two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit



see styles
xīn kuàng shén yí
    xin1 kuang4 shen2 yi2
hsin k`uang shen i
    hsin kuang shen i
lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Warrior Essence - Warrior Spirit - Martial" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

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Japanese Chinese Dictionary